Friday, December 23, 2005

Last day of school

School - Didn't eat lunch today because I was so full from the junk and crap I ate at the parties. Beat the school record for a science game. I beat the AP Chem class by 17 seconds. Watched Elfo (Elf in Spanish, lol) with English subtitles. Had the math test that I think I did OK on. Teeth still hurt but not as much. Christmas Pagent tomorrow night. Went over to Mike's house and we watched some kick ass hilarious videos on Limewire and played some SSX Tricky (I think we're obsessed). Gave him his Xmas present: A 240 piece poker set with 2 decks included for the low, low price off $9.99 at your local Target. Had a ton of laughs about a Mariachi Band in ballistic missiles from Mexico, but I won't go into the stupid details. Watched March of the Penguins. OK movie overall. Good music, though. Nothin planned for tomorrow but sleep and homework. Get it done early. Two IS projects and a science project, f!@#$%& school. Talk to you tomorrow.


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