Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Court of Honor

School - Got the fastest time trial in the class for my CO2 car! .941 seconds! Tomorrow, we start to compete against each other to find the fastest car in the class. Tonight was the Boy Scout Court of Honor which is the ceremony where you are awarded your rank advancements and merit badges. For the communications merit badge, I ran the court of honor. I just gave a short speech for inspiration. Here it is:

"Do any of you know who Paul Hewson is? No, that's probably because you know him better as Bono Vox. He is the lead singer of U2, a legend to many, if not all, rock 'n' roll fans, and a hero to people, like myself, who know the other half of his life. Bono works with the American Congress to bring relief to the poorest countries of the world be elimenating the debt that they owe to the United States. He has used his fame to change the world on the celebrity level. He has helped to found DATA which stands for Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa, a nonprofit organization that helps the poorest countries in Africa get back on their feet. He is also a prominent member of The ONE Campaign which is rallying Americans to Make Poverty History.
The boys here tonight have already started to change the world on the local level. The service projects thatt they have participated in, the lighting of the greens, bonfire cleanup, and Treasure Island cleanup, are the beginnings of what Bono is doing today. This is what scouting is all about, helping others. The skills that are taught and learned during the scouting experience are tool to use in life to help others through cheerful sevice. The values aquired in Boy Scouts are the same values that Bono uses on a larger scale. With these values, Bono has helped millions of people around the globe. The boys here tonight are on their way to becoming the next Bono.
We are here tonight to acknowledge the contribution made by the scouts of Troop 413 to our local community. These rank advancements and merit badges awarded here tonight are proof of the dedicated work that these boys have put forth in striving for excellence. They deserve a round of applause!"

Hope yoyu liked it. Tomorrow, I'm going over to Mike's house after school until 6:00 PM. Then, coming home and relaxing. Youth group is going ice skating on January 22. Should be really fun. Sign the letter to President Bush at The ONE Campaign. Thanks for you VOICE!


At 9:03 PM, Blogger Leon said...

Woo Hoo! Good luck with the race. That's a good speech you presented.


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