Sunday, January 15, 2006

Comic Book Heroes Concert

The concert was awesome! However, before it started, I still can't believe this, Sam got clipped by an Acura! He was fine but the guy ran a red light and Sam jumped out of the way just in time. The side mirror hit him and he went flying back. The mirror broke, but luckily Sam didn't. The concert was awesome! About half of the teachers from school were there. 3 History teachers (Mr. Mann, Mrs. Mangold, and Mr. Galagher), 2 English teachers (Mr. Comerford and Mrs. Landrum), and my old 6th grade teacher, Ms. Bensusan. CRAZY! The band was great. Sam Tonneslan got up and danced and Ned came out into the crowd and sat on my lap! The whole thing was awesome. Mike loved it too. The band took advantage of their wireless instuments (except drums, duh) and came out into the crowd, moved around, etc. Before, Mike and I went out to dinner at Taco Bell and played SSX Tricky (I think we're obsessed). Decided not to go to church today, so I slept in till about 10:30. Came down here and checked my email and started blogging. Took a ton of pics last night! I'll add a few, if I can. The first one is of Steve, Ned, and Sam on "stage" and the second is of Collin, Ned, and Sam and Steve is cut off. Enjoy!


At 9:30 PM, Blogger Leon said...

I hope someone reported that driver!

Nice pics. Thanks. Sounds like an awesome concert!


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